Over 50 years of market research experience



[ 06 06 2024 ]

Brand check-up

Have you already thought about it?
Monitor the performance of your Brand, because the world is constantly changing: keep up!
See how you can do it with Brand Check-up, quickly and with a low investment. Contact us to find out more.

[ 08 31 2022 ]

Are the Italians still racist?

From 1988 to 2022: how Italian attitudes towards foreigners and the ones who were called “different” have changed. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

[ 06 27 2021 ]

Covid-19 Vaccine

Research on the feelings and attitudes of Italians against the Covid-19 Vaccine. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

[ 12 18 2020 ]

DEMOSKOPEA and the new method ERE (Emotion-Reason-Ethic)

The ERE Method for business strategies is born: the innovative model of listening and analysis stakeholders, which places ethic at the heart of business strategies. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

[ 12 17 2020]

Pandemic: awareness of choice at the time of Covid-19

Research on attitudes and behaviors of population towards different aspect, such as expected time for return to normality, assessment of the effectiveness of restrictions and knowledge of vaccines. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

[ 10 10 2020]

2020 National elections

Voting intentions and confidence level in political leaders. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

[ 03 05 2020]


Research on citizens and companies feelings and confidence in the institutions and in the media at the time of Coronavirus. Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

Nutrition Wellbeing Survey

How can we interpret wellbeing Nutrition new trends? What are the new paradigms for product innovation?
Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

Internet and social media survey

How have Consumers changed since the advent of Internet and why? What needs to be changed the Brands communication to consumers?
Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

Consumer Credit Survey

How and why and with what spirit does one access consumer credit today? Are Consumer credit companies able to better meet consumer demand for personal and tailored loans?
Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

A "totally Organic world", it is all true?

The outcomes of a study on Organic Nutrition and Wellbeing are now available providing a full picture of the organic trend in Italy and its evolution.
Demoskopea survey tries to answer these questions: contact us to find out more.

Mapping football support in Italy

Naples reaches Milan and Inter Football Club while Juventus is unreachable.
Contact us to find out more.

Survey of political parties

What is the color that Italian citizens associate with the main political parties? What pets  are associated with PD and 5 STELLE parties? and what is the car associates with Lega, Forza Italia  and other parties?
The qualitative study of Demoskopea seeks to give meaning to the values and ideals that the main political parties interpret through projective tests, which allow to discover the real image and the true “hidden” meaning.
Contact us to find out more.