About Us
A team of professionals with a longstanding experience in Marketing and Social Research, who has always built constructive partnership with domestic and international company as well as with Public Entities and Institutions.
The pre-requisite of our action, on the market and in the Social environment, is above all the search for excellence in approach, methods, techniques and tools. We habitually practice exchange, dialogue and creativity by hiring the best professionals on the Market and by adopting the most innovative available tools.
Cross border network
In addition to research commissioned by foreign Institutes, Demoskopea offers all Italian companies a look into international markets and contacts with qualified research partners.
We truly believe in working with experienced professionals to provide a better interpretation of local contexts as well as a correct focus of social and cultural differences.
We coordinate and conduct qualitative and quantitative research all over the World, offering the customer a single point of contact for international studies.
DEMOSKOPEA is connected with ESOMAR and conducts its business according with this International Ethical Code, which sets ethical limits and guidelines to follow while a market research activity is developing.

The European Society for Marketing Opinion and Research (acronym ESOMAR) is an international institution devoted to constant improvement not only of the markets study, but also of decision-making process.
Our vision and future
The history of mankind has always been driven by the evolution of tribes. From tribal rites of the prehistoric populations to the birth and development of states and societies, groups of people have always been at the basis of any evolutionary phenomenon in the construction of World history. Demoskopea studies these social phenomena, aware of how they, besides being in constant evolution, constitute a foundation of values for a future and better development of humanity.
Our mission
Finding answers, not only knowing how to ask questions.
When you think that you have all the
answers, life changes all of the

You can tell whether a man
is clever by his answers. You can
tell whether a man is wise by his

Only good questions deserve
good answers.